carole | gray | biography

I am an artist, researcher and higher education consultant, and consider these roles to be mutually interdependent and equally creative.

In describing my practice as an artist I would call myself a 'constructor' of objects and images, an explorer of contemporary technologies and materials.


I contribute to research development at various UK art and design institutions, and also have worked internationally in Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland, France, New Zealand, Latvia, Mexico, Germany, Greece, USA and South Africa (see CV for details).  I was  a Visiting Professor at The School of Art, Birmingham City University.


I have a long-standing research interest in experiential learning in Art and Design education, especially at postgraduate levels, and have been involved in developing research student education and research supervision since completing my PhD in art education in 1988.


I have served on: the Art and Design Sub Panel for the UK's 2008 Research Assessment Exercise; the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council’s Postgraduate Panel for Visual Arts and Media (2000-04);  AHRC's Peer Review College; AHRC Strategic Review group.







I live in the north of Scotland


work internationally.