carole | gray | publications list


Gray, C. and Burnett, G. (2009)
Making Sense: an exploration of ways of knowing generated through

practice and reflection in craft
Conference proceedings, p 44 - 51
Helsinki University Press ISBN: 978-952-10-5579-9


Gray, C. and Burnett, G. (2007)
Making Sense: ‘Material thinking’ and ‘materializing pedagogies’
Invited journal paper for 'interactiveDiscourse' – International On-line
Journal of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. ISSN:1756-3445

Gray, C. (2007)
From the ground up: encountering theory in the process of

practice-led doctoral research
Keynote paper in: ‘In Theory? Encounters with Theory in Practice-based

PhD Research in Art and Design’, AHRC Postgraduate Conference,

De Montfort University & Loughborough Universities, UK. 26 June 2007.
Conference proceedings ISBN: 1 900856 73 5

Gray, C. (2007)
A different way of knowing? Inquiry through the creative arts
(English version) Keynote paper in: ‘Production as Research’, 1st Symposium of

Visual Studies international conference, Universidad de Nuevo Leon,

Monterrey, Mexico. April 4-7, 2006.

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